7 March 1921
Todd Tozama Matshikiza was born to a musical family in Queenstown in the Eastern Cape on 7 March 1921. He obtained music and teaching diplomas and took up a teaching post in Alice. In 1947, Matshikiza moved to Johannesburg where he established a music school, the Todd Matshikiza School of Music. He was also one of the first black journalists to work for Drum Magazine. Matshikiza wrote the music for the musical King Kong, which became a huge success both locally and abroad. In 1960, he and his family left South Africa and relocated to London. After a few years of performing in night clubs and freelancing for a few London Publications, Matshikiza moved to Zambia.  He took up a post as a newscaster and producer for the Zambian Broadcasting Cooperation. Matshikiza missed South Africa and was pained by the fact that he was banned in his own country. He died in 1968 and was survive by his wife and two children. His son John Matshikiza was a well known actor before his untimely death in 2008.

SAHO, Todd Tozama Matshikiza, from South African History Online, [online], Available at www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 21 February 2013]|Britannica, Todd Matshikiza, from Britannica Encyclopedia, [online], Available at www.britannica.com [Accessed: 21 February 2013]